toughest defense lawyears for your money

Since its inception, S. Nath & Company, Solicitors and Advocates, has assisted numerous corporations not only to set up their presence in India, but also came up with legal solutions to their problems and helped them navigate into the complex Indian legal system as well as successfully serve the individuals to fulfill their requirements.

Our identity reaffirms inclusiveness and recognizes the contributions of its founder, partners, associates and support staff in creating one of the renowned institutions in India.

The firm was founded by the renowned Advocate, Mr. Swapan Nath. Since its inception it has been able to build up an excellent reputation for its integrity and valuable proactive, pragmatic and innovative legal advice and its ability to help the clientele effectively, which traverse the complicated legal regulatory regime in India. The Firm has earned its esteem and dependability for its consistent high performance.

The firm has developed a Litigation Office and a Corporate Office. The offices are fully functional, modern and well equipped with its legal support staff consisting of Lawyers, supporting counsels, Chartered Accountants, professional retainers and paralegal personnel, accountants, hardware and software personnel.

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